Smile Science

5 key elements work together to unleash the full potential of an exquisite smile. Dr. Jaeger’s extensive background helps him produce exceptional results that enhance your superpower. Here’s what he integrates into each case with his highly personalized approach:

  1. Vertical Incisor Display (VID): Where are the teeth positioned for the best display?
    Focal Point: Upper Front Teeth
    Elements: Height, Width, Location front teeth
  2. Smile Arc Protection (SAP): What contours do the teeth follow to please the eye?
    Focal Point: Curve of Upper Teeth
    Elements: Edges of upper teeth match lower lip curve
  3. Smile Width: How many teeth do you see in the smile?
    Focal Point: Visibility of Upper Teeth
    Elements: Quantity goal: 12 tooth smile
  4. Micro Esthetics: What artistry adds final touches to the overall appearance?
    Focal Point: Dental Details 
    Elements: Tooth shape and contour, gum level, tooth surface, color
  5. Bite: How well does a beautiful smile chew and feel every day?
    Focal Point: Function
    Elements: Occlusion, temporomandibular joint function, facial muscles, teeth condition(missing/broken)

Better yet, a beautiful smile that’s designed for overall health allows you to breathe better and feel your best. Curious why? Learn more HERE.

RESULT: Your Healthy Smile

See Lives Changed by Dr. Jaeger: Before & After 

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